Featured Projects
Focus Area:
Consequence Management
Project Cost:
Project Duration:
6 months
First Line Technology, NSWC Dahlgren
100 - 22oz. decon packs
End User:
DoD, FBI, DOS and first responders.
Develop a safe skin and wound decontaminant soap that effectively in neutralizes chemical and biological (CB) agents. The decontaminant soap shall be safe, nontoxic, non-corrosive, non-caustic, and nonirritating to flesh. The soap shall have a shelf life of at least 5 years in storage conditions ranging from -40 °F to 160 °F. After the components are mixed together, the soap shall maintain its efficacy for 11 hours against G and H agents, biological warfare agents, and toxic industrial chemicals and materials, and 5.5 hours against V agents.
Operational Impact:
Current decon soap creates a large burden on users due to its high costs and short shelf life. Contact from doffing contaminated PPE to unexpected contact with a harmful substance or threat material can create the need for a product to neutralize CB threats located on skin or wound rather than PPE. This project will provide a safe, decon option for skin and wound contamination that has a 10 year shelf life, at least 5 hours long pot life, and is stable in a wide range of environmental conditions.
Will be commercially available from First Line Technology.