IWTSD Subgroup
Tactical Team Offensive Systems
Develop advanced equipment, capabilities, methods, and techniques that increase the lethality and kinetic effectiveness of small tactical units engaged in direct action operations. Provide specialized weapons, munitions, detonators,distraction/diversion devices and other unique tactical offensive equipment and deliver with training.
Tactical Team Communications
Develop advanced, flexible, full-spectrum communications capabilities specifically designed for tactical forces, with emphasis on reducing operational load while improving operator mobility and efficiency. Deliver assured low-visibility tactical communications connectivity in challenging geographic environments such as complex urban and maritime contested environments. Provide low probability of exploitation, cyber hardened encryption, compressed communications for command and control (C2) of small tactical team unmanned assets to defeat irregular warfare emerging threats.
Tactical Team Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition Systems
Develop next generation organic capabilities for small tactical team operators conducting mounted and dismounted operations requiring reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition. Provide enhanced visual augmentation and imaging systems that improve tactical operator’s situational awareness and surgical strike targeting to minimize collateral damage and increase survivability in all conditions and environments.
Specialized Tactical Team Infiltration, Access, and Exfiltration Systems
Develop advanced technologies to enhance tactical assault forces rapid insertion, access, and egress to and from objectives. Improve organic target analysis and evaluation of tactical options that support efficiency and stealth, reducing time on target, including remote operations. Provide enhanced means for small tactical team distraction and deception, biometrics defeat, improved methods of entry, next generation manual and dynamic breaching, and sabotage capabilities for small tactical assault teams.