Featured Projects
Human Performance and TrainingFocus Area:
Immersive Learning Technology
Project Cost:
Project Duration:
24 months
Systems Technology, Inc.
Six Parachute Simulator Stations, including all software enhancements; operational evaluation results.
End User:
Special Operations Mission Training Center
Design and develop a 3-D immersive interactive simulator system to be used in Special Operations Forces mission planning, training, and rehearsals for Special Operations military freefall and static line jumps. Allows users to conduct full-scale (basic, intermediate, and advanced( tasks and incorporate 3-D virtual scenarios that allow full mission rehearsal capability.
Operational Impact:
Low-profile airborne operations provide a tremendous advantage over an adversary. Given the danger of airborne operations, users are not able to rehearse corrective techniques for the range of emergency procedures. Even routine training jumps have resulted in severe injury. Practicing in a virtual environment allows users to conduct mission planning and contingency plans within a safe environment.