Featured Projects
Focus Area:
CBRNE Characterization and Attribution
Project Cost:
Project Duration:
40 months
Battelle Memorial Institute and U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center
Test reports and field guides (FOUO and SECRET)
End User:
Department of Defense/Office of the Secretary of Defense, Department of State, Department of Homeland Security, Intelligence Community
Provide information about general indicators and warnings, production setups, and end products that are representative of plausible improvised production methods of chemical and biological agents following methods found in openly available improvised production literature.
Operational Impact:
Provides operators with the ability to potentially identify components of, or whole laboratory setups for improvised chem/bio laboratories. The handbook and the training aid in improving situational awareness when entering potentially dangerous makeshift labs.
Handbooks available via IWTSD. More than 35,000 copies of version 2.0 were delivered to the user community. One thousand copies of version 3.0 were received in December 2011.